News and Travel Guides

We'll keep on smiling - Welcome to Cape Town

Posted on Tue April 7, 2020.

#TsekCorona! is a music video with a positive stay-at-home message from South Africa during the country's Covid-19 lockdown. It features rewritten lyrics to the hit song "Welcome to Cape Town" by original writer, David Kramer.
#TsekCorona! is performed by the KaapKreools Collective featuring Emo Adams and Loukmaan Adams (vocals), David Kramer (guitar), Schalk Joubert (bass), Camillo Lombard (keys), Donveno Prins (sax) and Tim Rankin (percussion).
The video is produced by Cape Town Music Academy NPC (CTMA) and supported by the Suidooster Festival.
It also features footage of Cape Town celebrities and members of the public dancing in isolation in their homes in support of the stay-at-home message. All footage was shot on mobile phones and the instruments and voices were recorded individually by the artists.

Further Reading

Presidency briefs media on Covid-19 curfew being lifted

Cabinet approves several changes to the Adjusted Alert Level 1 COVID-19 regulations, 30 Dec 2021

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